
New Continuing Care Village Project Work Well Underway

Announcements, News, Publications

November 20

This article originally appeared in the Fall 2024 issue of the Journey. Read this and other issues of the Journey here, or sign up to be the first to receive the Journey online or by mail.

Work on Good Samaritan’s newest continuing care village is progressing. The new village will be on Lewis Greens Drive in the Stewart Greens community in Edmonton’s west end. We have not decided on a name yet, and we hope that will come after discussion with community partners and stakeholders.

This new continuing care village is currently being designed with seven floors and will house 280 residents in 20 houses, each with 14 residents. There are four houses per floor (Floors 2 to 6). The main floor will house site administration, a rehabilitation gym, kitchen, cafeteria, gift shop, and hair salon. The 7th floor is being designed for Good Samaritan’s head office.


A groundbreaking ceremony celebrating the project’s official launch was held on October 8, 2024.

Schematic Design—This phase allows the project team to work with the architects and various engineers to flesh out the vision of the building design. It provides a multitude of design proposals to assist with creating the vision and ensures that flow and synergies of spaces are considered when selecting the placement of each space. The schematic design began in January 2024 and is nearing completion.

Design Development—During this phase, an advanced schematic design was selected. This will remain the basis of the design as it progresses to include the specifics of each space…from hand sanitizer locations to the number of chairs. We are progressing with the design phase and are also applying for a development permit with the City of Edmonton.

A Capital Fundraising Campaign will begin in 2025. Watch for opportunities to support!

Innovation and technology options are being explored to provide efficient and supportive care for our residents.

Construction—Once the final design has been solidified, the architects will create blueprints and send these specifications through the Good Samaritan’s project bidding process to allow qualified contractors to bid on the work. Once a contractor has been selected, construction of the Village will begin. Construction is anticipated to begin in the spring of 2025.

Updates are being made to Good Samaritan’s ‘Being and Belonging’ Model of Care to best support our residents. At the same time, we are also working on reimagining the Small Home Model— philosophy, which is based upon Good Samaritan’s experience with current Small Homes and a review of global models.

Building completion is scheduled for fall 2027, with further developments to the property in the coming years.


Seeking Nominees for the Board of Directors

Announcements, Board of Directors, News

November 20

Good Samaritan is currently seeking nominees to join a diverse group of members who collaboratively contribute to the organization’s well-being and sustainability. Recognizing the importance of Indigenous voices, we seek a candidate from an Indigenous background to join the Board of Directors. The application deadline is February 28, 2025.

The Board of Directors of The Good Samaritan Society, Good Samaritan Canada, and Good Samaritan Delta View Care Centre (collectively known as Good Samaritan) seek to maintain a Board comprised of talented and dedicated Directors with a diverse mix of expertise, experience, skills, and backgrounds. The skills and backgrounds collectively represented on the Board should reflect the diverse nature of the business environment in which Good Samaritan operates. For purposes of Board composition, diversity includes, but is not limited to, geography, age, gender, and ethnicity.

The Good Samaritan Society and Good Samaritan Canada are leading faith-based, not-for-profit, registered charities in Western Canada that provide quality accommodations, health, and community care services and programs to aging individuals in need. With 75 years of experience providing specialized health and community care services in innovative and caring environments, our operational effectiveness and overarching culture of service and care make us the provider of choice for individuals and their families seeking a supportive place to call home.

The Board of Directors is a governance board of twelve (12) directors (ten laypeople and two clergy).

The Board of Directors defines the organization’s mission and sets its strategic directions and priorities, but it delegates responsibility for staff and the day-to-day management of activities to the President and CEO.

The Board meets quarterly, for two days, plus Committee meetings to:

  • Establish policy;
  • Exercise fiduciary responsibilities, including investment strategies;
  • Monitor, advise and support the achievements of the strategic plan; and
  • Focus on visioning for the future in an ever-changing healthcare and service delivery environment.

The Board is seeking to fill two positions. We are interested in candidates with:

  • Demonstrated ability to communicate the mission, vision, values and strategic priorities of Good Samaritan to its partners, stakeholders and broader community;
  • Willingness to take an active participatory role in board meetings, committees and projects;
  • Previous board experience, in particular on not-for-profit governance boards and
  • Demonstrated ability to understand and contribute to business processes, including financial and strategic planning in a meaningful, constructive way.

Ideal candidates will bring expertise in one or more of the following areas:

  • Legal: Experience in legal advisory, risk management, and regulatory compliance.
  • Labour and Union Negotiations: Skilled in labour relations, union contract negotiations, and conflict resolution.
  • Accounting, Finance, and Audit: Proficiency in financial oversight, budgeting, auditing, and financial governance. Preferably a CPA and/or experience in a CFO role.
  • Communications and Fundraising: Background in strategic communications, public relations, and leading major fundraising campaigns.

Term(s) of Office: Directors are elected for three years and may sit for a maximum of three consecutive terms.

All directors shall be voting members of The Good Samaritan Society and must reside in the province of Alberta or British Columbia.

If you are interested in serving on the Board of Directors, please forward your resume to Paola Gatica, Director of Communications and Board Support, at

The application deadline is February 28, 2025


Prime consultant selected for an innovative new care home in Edmonton

Announcements, News

April 24

EDMONTON, AB – Good Samaritan has selected START Architecture as the Prime Consultant for Good Samaritan West Village (to be formally named later), a new, innovative care home to be constructed in Lewis Estates, in Edmonton’s west end. The prime consultant oversees all the planning, design, and contract administration.

The Government of Alberta allocated $113 million in capital funding for the project, adding 280 beds for residents with complex medical needs who cannot remain safely at home or in alternate care settings. West Village will be designed as a collection of 20 independent households; each household will house 14 residents in private rooms, promoting a personalized living environment. The project is expected to be completed in the fall of 2027.

West Village will provide a safe, inclusive environment and person-centred care that respects dignity, choice, and individual preferences. It will be purposely designed to create a culturally appropriate space for Indigenous residents, families, and employees. From the physical design of the building and property to the programming and care within it, Indigenous peoples will feel safe in West Village.

The West Village project will combine innovative design with our evidence-based approach to care, which will become the standard of care for the future in Alberta and across the country. We are pleased that Good Samaritan has been given this great responsibility and are eager to begin the design and construction.

-Dr. Katherine Chubbs, Good Samaritan President and CEO

We are committed to getting Albertans the care and support they need when they need it. The Continuing Care Capital Program supports innovative projects like the Good Samaritan West Village. This project will provide new continuing care spaces for Albertans in a priority area and will be designed to promote community and provide a high quality of life.

-Adriana Lagrange, Minister of Health

START Architecture (START) was created in 2020 with the merger of HFKS Architects and ONPA Architects, proudly carrying on the tradition of decades of service. START offers comprehensive professional services for various large institutional projects, including academic buildings, schools, healthcare, long-term and seniors’ care, mental health, and cancer care. Christopher Filipowicz will lead START’s team of architects, engineers, and designers.

Thank you to Good Samaritan for putting confidence in START Architecture. We look forward to advancing this project and creating a caring home and supportive environment for the residents.

-Christopher Filipowicz, Principal, START Architecture

As Alberta’s largest not-for-profit care provider, Good Samaritan provides safe, comfortable communities and inspires involvement where people can experience a sense of caring, belonging and purpose. We serve over 6,000 residents, clients and individuals in more than 60 homes in 20 communities in Alberta and British Columbia.

Good Samaritan is committed to living its Mission, Vision, and Values in serving individuals and people in need through Reconciliation with Indigenous peoples.


For media inquiries, contact:

James Frey
Communications and Fund Development
587-370-3590 or


Join our pet visiting program!


July 27


Our Recreation & Volunteer Manager, Bruce Devereux, wins the 2017 BC Care Providers Association Innovation of the Year Award

Announcements, Awards

January 12

We are all so proud of Bruce Devereux who will be the recipient of the BC Care Awards 2017 Innovation of the Year for his work at Christenson Village in Gibsons, BC.  A long list of community partnerships has helped Bruce bring his passion for film and audio recordings to projects that engage the 140 residents of Christenson Village in creative pursuits.

In 2012, Bruce worked with local musician Steve Wright on Across the Lines, a project that helped residents create “beautiful sounds” using iPads and iPhones. Those sounds were turned into a professionally produced CD, which also features improvisation by local musicians and poetry reading and storytelling by Christenson Village residents.

Through a second partnership, Christenson Village residents produced and narrated three short video documentaries that became part of a smartphone app produced by the Sunshine Coast Museum and Archives with local funding. In collaboration with Museum Manager/Curator Matthew Lovegrove designed Time Travel Sunshine Coast, which later won two prestigious awards. (Heritage BC & Interpretation Canada Awards) Tourists use the app to take walking tours of BC’s Sunshine Coast.

A third collaboration with Gibsons’ Deer Crossing The Art Farm makes use of Anne Basting’s TimeSlips story creation process to help Christenson Village residents create original and imaginative stories. This creative care partnership with The Art Farm resulted in the formation of “The Imagination Network”. In 2015 their campus of care was a featured studio stop during Gibsons’ annual Art and Culture Crawl. Christenson Village was the first care community ever to participate in the festival, which opens about 150 artistic settings to the public. The Imagination Network comprised of Christenson Village and Deer Crossing the Art Farm has now added Douglas College Therapeutic Recreation and UBC Theatre departments as partners and collaborators. Future goals include the creation of a theatrical production that is co-written, co-produced, and co-performed by people with dementia in collaboration with professional artists, caregivers, and community members.

While “The Imagination Network” is inspired by the work of University of Milwaukee Theatre Professor Anne Basting, a pioneer in the creative care movement, Bruce and his partners feel they are taking a unique approach within BC to creativity and care. Bastings spearheaded the development of TimeSlips, a ritualized story creation model for people with the lived experience of dementia. As a certified TimeSlips facilitator Bruce has been using this method for the past 4 years to generate over a 100 stories written by residents with dementia.

Using the creative material generated by those with dementia, and seeing them as co-collaborators in the creative engagement process we are adding value to the collaboration while building community. The process of creation is important, but we view the relationship building between residents, family, staff, and community as the cornerstone to every project.

Congratulations Bruce!


The Good Samaritan Society Receives Proclamation from Mayor Don Iveson for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day June 15, 2016


June 17

On June 15, 2016, The Good Samaritan Society was the recipient of the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Proclamation from Mayor Don Iveson. As author Tia Walker once said, “To care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honours.”

At The Good Samaritan Society, we take that sentiment seriously, and we are committed to the safety and well being of our residents. Kim Campbell, Senior Director of Operations, accepted the proclamation on behalf of The Good Samaritan Society.

“Not only do we want our residents to be provided with the highest level of quality care and accommodations, but they deserve to live free from fear and abuse.” said Kim Campbell during her acceptance speech.  She went on to say “The Good Samaritan Society is committed to working towards eliminating Elder Abuse not only in our own care homes, but in the communities we serve.”

Through our Seniors’ Clinic and CHOICE programs here in Edmonton, our representation on the Elder Abuse Consultation Team, our Social Workers who are adept at community response, and our policy dedicated to raising awareness and preventing elder abuse through staff education, we are committed to making a difference.


Penny celebrates her 103rd Birthday!


March 9



Penny celebrates her 103rd birthday at Village by the Station in Penticton, BC. Check out this video on YouTube. We wish her the loveliest of birthdays!