The Board of Directors of The Good Samaritan Society (the Society) is currently seeking nominees to join a diverse group of members who collaboratively contribute to the well-being and sustainability of the organization. The Board of Directors is a governance board of twelve (12) directors (10 laypeople and 2 Lutheran clergy) and as such defines the organization’s mission and sets its strategic directions and priorities but delegates responsibility for staff and the day-to-day management of activities to the President and CEO.
The Board meets regularly to:
- Establish policy;
- Exercise fiduciary responsibilities, including investment strategies;
- Monitor, advise and support the achievements of the strategic plan; and
- Focus on visioning for the future in an ever-changing healthcare and service delivery environment.
Interested candidates will have:
- Demonstrated ability to communicate the mission, vision, values and strategic priorities of the Society to our partners, stakeholders and broader community;
- Willingness to take an active participatory role in board meetings, committees and projects;
- Previous board experience, in particular on not-for-profit governance boards;
- Specialized skills and experience relating to finance, project development, legal, communications, fund development, human resources, information management and/or government relations; and
- Demonstrated ability to understand and contribute to business processes, including financial and strategic planning in a meaningful, constructive way.
Current openings:
- Two directors for a three-year term with opportunity for reappointment for a second and third three-year term; and
- One position for a Lutheran clergy for a three-year term with opportunity for reappointment for a second and third three-year terms.
All directors shall be a voting member of the Society and must reside in the province of Alberta or British Columbia. To receive and applicant information package, please contact Paola Gatica, Executive Associate, Board of Directors, at
We thank all interested applicants.