Horse therapy, also known as equestrian or equine-assisted therapy, has been proven to have numerous physical and psychological benefits for seniors. That’s why, throughout this summer, the Good Samaritan Society welcomed horses from the Lethbridge Therapeutic Riding Association to visit care homes in Southern Alberta.
Good Samaritan West Highland Centre was visited by horses Pepper and King during Seniors’ Week this past June. Later in July, Pepper returned with friends Moonshine, Sophie, and Natalie to visit residents at Good Samaritan Park Meadows Village.
Equine visitors are new for both homes; residents and staff alike looked forward to their visit. Many residents came out to meet the horses, sharing stories with our visitors about their riding days, horses that they had when they were growing up, and many other priceless memories. Some residents even dusted off their cowboy hats for the visit!
It was wonderful seeing the smiles on our residents faces, hearing their stories, and witnessing the joy the horses brought to both residences. Thank you so much to Lethbridge Therapeutic Riding Association for spending your morning with our residents. Everyone loved meeting Pepper and King and cannot wait to have them back. Thank you to AHS staff for your support for this event.
This article originally appeared in the Fall 2022 issue of the Journey. Read this and other issues of the Journey here.