November 5-11, 2023 is Veteran’s Week in Canada. In order to honour those who have served, Good Samaritan will be sharing our residents’ stories and experiences serving Canadaas members of the Armed Forces and beyond. Read Vikki Marr’s story below:
“What is it like to be a ‘Navy Brat?’ In the 50s and 60s it meant ‘married quarters life.’ Every child seemed to have multiple ‘aunties’ watching them play along the length of a common backyard that ran the length of the street. It meant getting dressed up and rushing down to the Point to see the ships return in formation. It meant scrambling into the car and rushing down to HMCS Naden to stand dockside for the ships to finish tying up as the Navy Band played to welcome them. Dad was in the engine room, so he was always one of the last to come above decks.
As time passes, these memories become softer; however, there is another part to the experience of being a Navy Brat; a part that most people don’t hear about. It’s the awareness of danger and then dealing with strong emotions and feelings and trying to return to some kind of ‘normal.’ Being a Navy Brat meant I lived in a closed shop of mutually shared experiences.
These experiences inform my life story, however, when my son needed permission to go on his tour to Bosnia, once again I became a Navy Brat – an older, wiser Navy Brat with the ability to share experiences and support.
I’m a Navy Brat and once a year I celebrate my ‘badge’ and those who continue to serve. It’s the least I can do.”
Vikki Marrs is a Chaplain at Good Samaritan Hillside Village and Good Samaritan Pioneer Lodge