
three avatars in a spotlight
avatar next to a large star
glowing lightbulb
avatar spotlighted and reaching up triumphantly
4 Volunteers at gold tournament
Image of resident and woman with picture frame
Bonnie Wraite

Volunteer Profile

Bonnie Wraight is a firecracker!

Not only is she a resident of Heron Grove, but she knows everyone and always has the “inside scoop” on everything happening at Heron Grove! A former (Assistant Manager) of The Bargain Shop in Vernon, she has lots of experience in retail and has been Heron Grove’s Tuck Shop volunteer for the past few years. According to Bonnie, the Tuck Shop is important as it ensures residents don’t have to go “all the way to Walmart” to get a snack.  Bonnie enjoys talking to people as they stop by (whether they buy something or not).  Although Bonnie insists that we are “spoiling” the residents, staff and family members with the Tuck Shop – we all hope she sticks around to spoil us further!  Thank you, Bonnie and the other volunteers, for running our Tuck Shop smoothly. 

Who Can Volunteer

Volunteers are members of our community. Come and be a neighbour to someone in need today.

You must be able to secure a criminal record check and complete our onboarding process to find your best fit with one of our volunteer services staff. Children and youth may be able to volunteer as junior helpers, and micro-helpers can support one-time events.

Come and see how you can be a Good Samaritan, helping neighbours and making a difference in your community.


Volunteer Hours

Additional Education and Training

Good Samaritan offers learning opportunities for volunteers. We have training programs for individuals to support residents eating at mealtimes, spiritual care and palliative volunteers, and gift shops. There are also education sessions to support volunteers in their everyday activities, such as sessions on hand hygiene, infection, prevention and control, and respect in the workplace. Reach out to us to learn more.


Learn More

Learn more about Good Samaritan Volunteering