Programs for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PPDD)
Good Samaritan delivers Programs for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PPDD) within communities, in private homes, in clients’ homes, or in homes owned and operated by The Good Samaritan Society. Our support services are unique to each individual and are directed by the individual and their families, within the guidelines of Good Samaritan.
We provide services in the following areas:
Shared Living Homes
Developed to accommodate individuals living with significant developmental and physical support requirements.
Supported Independent Living
Supporting individuals who live in their own home and do not require overnight support.
Good Samaritan PPDD provides supportive living arrangements in homes throughout the Edmonton area. Homes operated by The Good Samaritan Society are specially developed to accommodate individuals living with significant developmental and physical support requirements. These homes are accessible, barrier-free, and typically shared by two to five individuals.
PPDD also provides services in homes that are independently owned or rented directly by the guardian or individual.
All homes are staffed with community support workers and a team coordinator who work closely with family members/guardians to determine service goals and outcomes for residents. We firmly believe in encouraging individuals to develop to their fullest potential and respect each person’s individuality and beliefs.
Staff are also trained in areas such as health monitoring, medication assistance and behaviour management.
Homes are staffed up to 24 hours a day depending on the needs of the individuals. Staffing structure is based on the needs of individual residents. Our objective is to provide enhanced quality of life in a safe environment that encourages opportunity and growth.
In the Homes
In each home, individuals participate in personal and household management routines to the best of their ability. They are encouraged to identify social and recreational activities that interest them and to develop relationships with others. Staff encourage and support individual choice and decision making to promote independence. They utilize opportunities to participate in day programs, volunteer placement and vocational settings.
Supported Independent Living
Our Supportive Independent Living Outreach program provides support to individuals who live in their own home and do not require overnight support. The need for paid support is minimized and the individual’s independence is maintained.
All support is provided in the context of community integration and is offered to enhance and sustain an individual’s quality of life. The hours of support offered are flexible and dependent on individual direction. Community support workers provide learning opportunities and assistance in problem solving, meal preparation, medication monitoring, appointments, public transportation, education and community linkages.
Our outreach program also provides support to individuals who still wish to live with a group of peers (2 – 3 peers) and focus on minimizing paid support. The Good Samaritan Society supportive independent living homes are dependent on peer match, as individuals typically need to complement each other in their strengths and needs with a strong emphasis on peer support. The individuals involved and stakeholders negotiate some level of risk management with the intent to decrease the need for scheduled staffing support. The expected outcome is to create environments of independence and support between individuals.
Support Homes
Support homes are homes in which an individual with a developmental disability typically shares with a roommate or family. Overnight support is provided by a person/people who also share the home. Support home models include both approved home and supportive roommates.
The Good Samaritan Society ensures that the relationship between the client, approved home provider and service provider is beneficial to enhancing the client’s quality of life. Our staff regularly monitor service delivery for each individual.
For those still residing in the family home, community support workers support the family and the individual by working towards specific goals. A community support worker can provide assistance with problem solving, direct support, and by connecting families to support networks.
Speak to your Disability Services case worker about eligibility and entering the Individual Profile Registry. This registry provides a listing of individuals seeking placement that are approved to have services funded to meet their needs. The Good Samaritan Society reviews the listings for suitable matches to our homes and programs with consideration to peer matching and service needs. PPDD then completes an expression of interest and submits it to Disability Services. The family/individual decides whether or not they are interested in pursuing the space/opportunity. Families and the individuals that decide to pursue a space/opportunity participate in our intake process; if all parties agree that the home/program is a good fit, we move forward with a funding request for services for the individual to Disability Services.
Learn More
For more information about our services, please contact Voice Mail (24 hrs/day):