Dementia Care

Dementia is a loss of mental skills that affects your daily life. It can cause problems with memory, problem-solving, and learning. It also can cause problems with thinking and planning. It can also lead to behavioural issues. Dementia usually gets worse over time. But how quickly it gets worse is different for each person. Some people stay the same for years. Others lose skills quickly. In some cases, it may be necessary to ensure the person’s safety, and that can include limiting their ability to leave their home unattended. Good Samaritan has options in many of our care homes for people with dementia. 

Dementia Care at Good Samaritan


Admission is coordinated through the individual care homes that offer this program.

Good Samaritan’s Dementia Care program is based more on a social rather than a medical model of care. Personal autonomy and competencies are emphasized throughout daily life and activities in our care homes. Residents are encouraged to participate in daily activities associated with a home-like environment as much as they are able. These kinds of opportunities are difficult, if not impossible, to offer in large-scale clinical settings. 

Key elements of Good Samaritan’s model of care include:

  • Creation of a familiar, home-like environment. 
  • Combining privacy of accommodation with the security of around-the-clock staffing. 
  • Use of familiar household routines for resident activities. 
  • Staff serving as role models to engage residents in activities. 


Long-Term Care [BC]
Dementia Care
Assisted Living

Good Samaritan Christenson Village

Long-Term Care [BC]
Dementia Care
Private Assisted Living

Good Samaritan Delta View Care Centre

Long-Term Care [BC]
Assisted Living
Dementia Care
Independent Living

Good Samaritan Mountainview Village

Long-Term Care [BC]
Assisted Living
Dementia Care

Good Samaritan Village by the Station

Continuing Care Type A
Continuing Care Type B
Continuing Care Type B Secure Space
Dementia Care

Good Samaritan Clearwater Centre

Continuing Care Type B – Secure Space
Continuing Care Type B
Dementia Care

Good Samaritan Garden Vista

Continuing Care Type B – Secure Space
Dementia Care

Good Samaritan Good Shepherd Home

Continuing Care Type B
Continuing Care Type B – Secure Space

Good Samaritan Lee Crest

Continuing Care Type B
Continuing Care Type B – Secure Space

Good Samaritan Linden View

Continuing Care Type B
Continuing Care Type B – Secure Space

Good Samaritan Park Meadows Village & Cottages

Continuing Care Type B
Continuing Care Type B – Secure Space
Dementia Care

Good Samaritan Prairie Ridge

Continuing Care Type A
Continuing Care Type B
Continuing Care Type B – Secure Space

Good Samaritan South Ridge Village

Continuing Care Type B
Continuing Care Type B – Secure Space
Independent Living

Good Samaritan Vista Village

Continuing Care Type B
Continuing Care Type B – Secure Space

Good Samaritan Wedman House and Village

Continuing Care Type B
Continuing Care Type B – Secure Space
Independent Living

Good Samaritan West Highland Centre & Estates