This article originally appeared in the Fall 2024 issue of the Journey. Read this and other issues of the Journey here, or sign up to be the first to receive the Journey online or by mail.
Work on Good Samaritan’s newest continuing care village is progressing. The new village will be on Lewis Greens Drive in the Stewart Greens community in Edmonton’s west end. We have not decided on a name yet, and we hope that will come after discussion with community partners and stakeholders.
This new continuing care village is currently being designed with seven floors and will house 280 residents in 20 houses, each with 14 residents. There are four houses per floor (Floors 2 to 6). The main floor will house site administration, a rehabilitation gym, kitchen, cafeteria, gift shop, and hair salon. The 7th floor is being designed for Good Samaritan’s head office.
A groundbreaking ceremony celebrating the project’s official launch was held on October 8, 2024.
Schematic Design—This phase allows the project team to work with the architects and various engineers to flesh out the vision of the building design. It provides a multitude of design proposals to assist with creating the vision and ensures that flow and synergies of spaces are considered when selecting the placement of each space. The schematic design began in January 2024 and is nearing completion.
Design Development—During this phase, an advanced schematic design was selected. This will remain the basis of the design as it progresses to include the specifics of each space…from hand sanitizer locations to the number of chairs. We are progressing with the design phase and are also applying for a development permit with the City of Edmonton.
A Capital Fundraising Campaign will begin in 2025. Watch for opportunities to support!
Innovation and technology options are being explored to provide efficient and supportive care for our residents.
Construction—Once the final design has been solidified, the architects will create blueprints and send these specifications through the Good Samaritan’s project bidding process to allow qualified contractors to bid on the work. Once a contractor has been selected, construction of the Village will begin. Construction is anticipated to begin in the spring of 2025.
Updates are being made to Good Samaritan’s ‘Being and Belonging’ Model of Care to best support our residents. At the same time, we are also working on reimagining the Small Home Model— philosophy, which is based upon Good Samaritan’s experience with current Small Homes and a review of global models.
Building completion is scheduled for fall 2027, with further developments to the property in the coming years.