
Good Samaritan Village by the Station

Penticton, British Columbia
V2A 2V6
Good Samaritan Village by the Station offers seniors in Penticton multiple levels of care and support tailored to their unique needs. With Assisted Living, Long-Term Care, and Dementia Care Cottage accommodations available, residents can enjoy quality living care that complements their lifestyle. Additionally, the Day Program offers independence and flexibility for seniors looking to remain in their home, with services including meals, personal care assistance, recreation, and more.
Good Samaritan Canada and Interior Health Authority work together to coordinate the placement of appropriate clients to Good Samaritan Village by the Station.


Long-Term Care [BC]
Resident-focused care in home-like environments with 24-hour on-site treatment and support.
Number of Units: 60
Phone: 250-490-4949

Assisted Living
Home-like accommodations where people can remain independent with access to support and services for their changing needs.
Number of Units: 35
Phone: 250-490-4949

Dementia Care
A social model of care where autonomy and competencies are emphasized, with the security of around-the-clock staffing.
Number of Units: 4 Cottages (40 suites)
Phone: 250-490-4949
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