
Good Samaritan South Ridge Village front exterior

Good Samaritan South Ridge Village

Good Samaritan South Ridge Village front exterior
550 Spruce Way SE
Medicine Hat, Alberta
T1B 4P1

Good Samaritan South Ridge Village offers seniors in Medicine Hat multiple levels of care and support tailored to their unique needs. With Continuing Care, Dementia Care Cottage, and Private Assisted Living accommodations available, residents can enjoy quality living care that complements their lifestyle. 

a ball, a paddle, and a rook Activities
avatar of a person standing between a shining sun Adult Day Program
couch Common Areas
flower Courtyard
brain with darkened region Dementia Care
flying dove brandishing a heart emblem Spiritual Care
telephone received with a large plus sign next to it Telecare
wheelchair Wheelchair


Woman in a kitchen making cookies, with a large mixing bowl and wisk

Continuing Care Type A

Resident-focused care designed for individuals who require 24-hour on-site Registered Nurse assessment and/or treatment.

Number of Units: 80

Phone: 403-528-5050

Woman in a kitchen making cookies, with a large mixing bowl and wisk

Continuing Care Type B

Home-like environments where residents receive 24/7 care provided by LPNs and HCAs.

Number of Units: 18

Phone: 403-528-5050

Image of couple, man facing camera, woman facing away

Continuing Care Type B - Secure Space

Number of Units: 3 Cottages (30 suites)

Phone: 403-528-5050

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Continuing Care Type B
Continuing Care Type B - Secure Space

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