
Good Samaritan Lee Crest front exterior

Good Samaritan Lee Crest

Good Samaritan Lee Crest front exterior
989 – 1 Street East
Cardston, Alberta
T0K 0K0

Good Samaritan Lee Crest provides seniors in Cardston with diverse living options and quality care. Features include full wheelchair accessibility, common areas like TV and activity rooms, landscaped outdoor spaces, and 24/7 assistance from compassionate staff and LPNs. The living options include private studio, one-bedroom, two-bedroom and dedicated dementia care options. Lee Crest’s familiar, home-like environment allows privacy and independence in a  warm, welcoming community. 

There are also five Community Support Beds available for short stays for a period up to two months for clients requiring respite, palliative or convalescence care. 


Admissions are coordinated by Alberta Health Services Regional Access Centre, phone 403-388-6380 (Lethbridge) or toll-free 1-866-388-6380 for more information. 

a ball, a paddle, and a rook Activities
couch Common Areas
flower Courtyard
brain with darkened region Dementia Care
flying dove brandishing a heart emblem Spiritual Care
telephone received with a large plus sign next to it Telecare
wheelchair Wheelchair


Woman in a kitchen making cookies, with a large mixing bowl and wisk

Continuing Care Type B

Home-like environments where residents receive 24/7 care provided by LPNs and HCAs.

Number of Units: 66

Phone: 403-653-2034

Image of couple, man facing camera, woman facing away

Continuing Care Type B - Secure Space

Number of Units: 2 Cottages (24 suites)

Phone: 403-653-2034

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