
Good Samaritan Remembers: Helen


November 7

November 5-11, 2022 is Veteran’s Week in Canada. In order to honour those who have served, Good Samaritan will be sharing our residents’ stories and experiences serving Canada during the wars as members of the Armed Forces and beyond. Read Helen G.’s story below:

“From a very young age, I always wanted to travel and I had a love for photography. My first camera was about 4 inches wide and took really small pictures.

When I turned 18, I enrolled in the Air Force with my father’s permission and signature. I went through basic training in St. Jeans, Quebec. Once I was done, I was assigned to a trade which was photography.  I was given training through the military on photography.

I served for 3 years and received the rank of Leading Air Woman. I was assigned to take pictures of activities around the base, identification photos, and accident scenes. At that time there was a 24-hour rotation, but because I was a woman I wasn’t allowed to be included in the rotation.

I met my husband in the military and we were married for 66 years.  I was standing in the mess line and he came up behind me and jabbed me in the ribs; from that point forward, we were inseparable.  Once I married Bill and got pregnant, I was shifted out of the service. If you get pregnant now, you can still continue your career in the military. I feel in some ways that I paved the way for women in the service now.

We were stationed in Cold Lake, then we were stationed in Germany for nearly 4 years and at the time I had 2 toddlers.”

Helen G. is a resident at Good Samaritan Park Meadows Village.