About Us

Our Community At-a-Glance



Residents & Clients

We provide safe, comfortable communities inspiring involvement, where people can experience a sense of caring, belonging and purpose in:

Alberta Locations

British Columbia Locations

We strive to be leaders in the industry and make GSS/GSC the home of choice in the communities we serve. To achieve this, we have mandated that:

of every dollar spent goes towards direct frontline care and services.

Our programs for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PPDD) provide services to 134 individuals in:


We Provide Care to:

one avatar assisting another who is walking with a cane

Healthy Elderly

avatar walking with the aid of a walker

Frail Elderly

avatar next to a puzzle piece

Adults with Developmental Disabilities

avatar next to a large plus sign

Chronically Ill Individuals

A value driven, person-directed approach

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Our Funders

Government of Alberta
British Columbia Ministry of Health
Interior Health
Vancouver Costal Health
Fraser Health. Better health. Best in health care.
alberta health services

Our Partners

ACCA Alberta Continuing Care Association
BC Care Providers Association
Denominational Health Association
CCHL Canadian College of Health Leaders
CHAA Christian Health Association of Alberta